A second branch of the Swedish furniture store/site of a million arguments is due to open in Carrickmines later this summer.
With that in mind, we thought it was time to pay tribute to the food that has provided sustenance to many a harried shopper.
The jewel in Ikea’s crown.
No shopping trip is complete without it.
One gobful of Swedish meatballs and all the earlier fights you had about headboards just evaporate…
It might be the best value meal in Dublin, tbh.
€4.30 for 10 Swedish meatballs, mash and gravy.
Sure, where would you get it?
Fact: the only appropriate response to “We’re going to Ikea” is “CAN WE GET MEATBALLS?”
Don’t lie — you have considered going to Ikea just as an excuse to eat their meatballs
No shame in that, my friend.
Sometimes the cravings are *overwhelming*
So much so that you never leave Ikea without a bag of these
Sure, there’ll always be arguments at Ikea…
But at least there’ll always be meatballs to make it better